Record Of Youth
"Record of Youth" is a delightful and heartwarming K-drama that follows the lives of three young individuals as they navigate their dreams and aspirations in the cutthroat world of the entertainment industry. The drama revolves around Hye-jun, played by the versatile actor Park Bo-gum, an aspiring model and actor who faces numerous challenges and setbacks in his pursuit of success. Alongside him are Jin-woo, played by Byun Woo-seok, Hye-jun's best friend and a fellow model, and Jeong-ah, played by Park So-dam, a makeup artist striving to make her mark in the industry. Together, they embark on a journey of self-discovery and resilience, showcasing the harsh realities and sacrifices required to achieve their dreams. With its compelling storyline, relatable characters, and stellar performances, "Record of Youth" is a must-watch for K-drama enthusiasts seeking an engaging and inspiring series.