King Is Not Easy
"King is Not Easy" is a delightful romantic comedy that takes a fresh and lighthearted approach to the usual historical drama genre. The story revolves around a modern-day crown prince, Lee Hwi, who suddenly finds himself transported back in time to the Joseon era. As he navigates the challenges of being a king, Lee Hwi meets a strong-willed queen consort, Yoon So-hwa, who initially despises him. Together, they embark on a journey filled with hilarious mishaps, political intrigues, and unexpected romance. With a brilliant ensemble cast including Jung Eun-ji, Choi Jin-hyuk, Lee Sun-bin, and Park Ji-hoon, this drama offers a perfect blend of humor, romance, and historical elements that will keep viewers hooked from start to finish. Get ready for a captivating tale of love, power, and self-discovery in "King is Not Easy."