Becoming Witch
"Becoming Witch" is a captivating K-drama that tells the story of two young girls, Eun-soo and Yoo-ri, who unexpectedly discover their magical powers and must navigate through the challenges that come with being witches. Nam Ji-hyun portrays Eun-soo, a shy and studious high school student whose life takes an enchanting turn when she is chosen as the new witch of her generation. Kim So-hyun plays Yoo-ri, a spirited and rebellious teenager who learns to embrace her magical abilities with Eun-soo's guidance. Together, they embark on a whimsical journey filled with self-discovery, friendship, and the enchanting world of witchcraft. "Becoming Witch" is a heartwarming series that explores themes of identity, friendship, and the transformative power of embracing one's true self.