Absolute Boyfriend
Absolute Boyfriend is a heartwarming and romantic K-drama based on the popular manga series "Zettai Kareshi." Starring Yeo Jin-goo, Bang Min-ah, and Hong Jong-hyun, this enchanting story follows the life of a young woman named Eom Da-da, who finds herself entangled in a unique love triangle. Da-da, an accomplished makeup artist, accidentally orders a robotic boyfriend named Young-gu (played by Yeo Jin-goo), who is programmed to be the perfect partner. As Da-da navigates through life, she discovers that love and relationships are much more complicated than she ever imagined. Absolute Boyfriend is a delightful blend of romance, comedy, and a touch of science fiction that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. Will Da-da choose the imperfectly perfect Young-gu or the complicated but passionate Ma Wang-joon (played by Hong Jong-hyun), her childhood friend and famous actor? Tune in to find out!